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Sunday 6 December 2009

Superstar/Non Superstar Dress Glitch. Christmas Calender

Ok, this Is really Random.
If you go to the Superstar calender you can see this and its just for superstars but then obviously stardoll has made a big mistake. Non superstars Can get it from StarPlaza.
Someone should talk to stardoll abou this. There is so many Glitches. I mean Im not being mean about not letting non superstars have this Nice dress but if stardoll are going ot say its just for superstar's they should get it right!!
I dont care if Stardoll Are having difficulties. If they are cant they just take the item out of stores. I mean it isnt illegal or anything. I dont bother sending messages to them no more because there just automatic. I once told them about something Like this and all they said is "thanks for your idea, stardoll will look into it" But obviously they dont. And they say we are having trouble with this item but they never fix it. Remember the Ashley Tisdale Heart necklace which was real big. They didnt fix it till like 3 months after it came out for free. If i had a list of all the glitches, free things and everything on stardoll i would probobaly be drowning in clothes and i would have a list that was so big it didnt fit anywhere. Im really Annoyed with Stardoll Right now because if superstar things are for Non superstar Now; Why become superstar if we all have the about same rights ??
Someone Talk to Stardoll About this because its really annoying.

Dont them 4 Dresses Look Pretty Similiar.

Love Demidoo34 x

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